Monday, July 7, 2014

What a Week!

Annnnnnnd........ another 4th of July is over! Crazy how fast time flies! (I think I literally say that in every email...)
This year was super fun! We actually had a lot of work to do! We taught 2 lessons, one was with our cute investigator Healani! (I need to take a picture with her...) We taught her about the priesthood and about why it is important to be baptized by the proper authority. She loved it and it totally made sense to her. She is seriously the coolest 14 year old ever. She came to church with us and she bore her testimony. She had it planned and everything! She loves testimonies and she even quoted the Book of Mormon in it! :) Haha! Right now we have a baptismal date of July 27 for her. So pray for her to be able to feel ready by that day!
My best friend Delci (Sister Brown) was also in town this weekend visiting the mission! Ugh! It was so good to see her. She really is my girl! I love her. We got to talk a little bit and catch up on life. She came out with us on the 4th and taught a couple of lessons. It was really fun to be able to teach with her again.
I am so grateful to be a missionary! I love it so much! I love Cypress and I am grateful to be serving with the missionaries, members, and leaders that I do! Guys... being a missionary is seriously the most rewarding thing ever. This morning when we were in the Laundromat doing our laundrey, we started talking to a lady who told us that she didn't feel like she was at the point that she wanted to be spiritually. We taught her about prophets and then set up a return appt. for the next monday at the Laundromat! Helping people come closer to Christ is the coolest feeling. I am soooooo glad that I decided to serve a mission. It's dang hard, and there are days when all I want to do is sleep... but it's so worth it. It's worth every drop of sweat, every sunburn, everytime someone has yelled at me, or called me crazy, or said I belong to a cult. It's worth the whole 18 months even when it feels like an eternity, it's worth the sacrifice of leaving my family and friends and comfort zone. Leaving my facebook account and phone. It's worth the rules that I don't understand (Like no hlding babies) and the waking up at 6:30 everyday (Even though I'm not perfect). It's just WORTH IT! It has literally changed my life and I do not know what or where I would be phyically and spiritually if I hadn't come. I love my mission! I love the people I have met and the lives that have touched mine. I love my mission presidents (both of them) President Bubert and President Tew. I love thier wives and thier families! I love God and Jesus Christ and I loooooove thier restored Gospel! It's a great day to be a missionary!
Love Sister Bauer

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